Saturday, April 17, 2010

Crowds and Me

Most people do not follow their own trading plans because they let the crowd influence their feelings, thoughts and actions. The crowd is keep moving or swinging from hope to fear, fear to hope, optimism to pessimism. We are betting on the future mood of the crowd. Bulls and bears are all totaly strangers and it means our value of investment is also depend on these strangers action. What we can control is only the enter or exit trades.

Evaluate from myself, I alwasy feel tense when I am in the market. My judgement was then influence by the price movement after I put in the position. The crowd emotion shown on the price and it make me deviate from my trading plan and lose money.

Expert said, people change when they join crowds. They become more impulsive, looking for leader and act emotion more to interllectual. When you join the crowds, your thinking is become less capable to thinking for yourself. Do you think so?

When I join the group, I act like a child following a parent. Market do not care about all this. Successful traders are independent thinkers!

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